Marine Construction
Inspection. Repair. Maintenance. Demolition. Welding. Broco Cutting. Search & Recovery. We provide any underwater services you require at your construction site!
Steel Pile Cutting
66 steel piles were required to be cut 2 meters below seabed level after the jetty was being demolished. The project was successfully completed with one diving team using SS511 approved portable surface supplied diving system together with a set of broco cutting equipment.
Seabed Debris Removal
New construction plans were awaiting to be carried out after the demolition of an old jetty. The seabed was inspected and required to be cleared of bulky debris.
Jetty Demolition
Entire demolition of a jetty using our underwater hot cutting technique broco cutting. Airlift bags and crane support were fully utilized as a form of safety measure when the cutting was carried out.